
Movember: Q&A with Everyday Drew and Two-Half Hitches


also known as “Movember“, is part of a movement to promote men’s health and some of the surrounding taboos. Guys (and gals!) get in touch with their roots and let it all grow out. While some have adopted this no-shave tradition as a means of welcoming winter with a little extra facial insulation, this hairy situation is more than just for fun.

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men in the U.S. and it’s also one of the most treatable when detected early on.

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men aged 15-34 in the US.

Around 1 in 4 adults in the United States will experience a mental health problem in a given year. 3 out of every 4 suicides are men.

Movember encourages us to talk about these issues, to get comfortable with men’s health, and to make checking yourself out part of your routine to know what normal is! Early detection and fighting taboos can save lives.

This week we sat down with @everdaydrew and extended family member, Franz Anunciacion, Founder of Two Half-Hitches* and beloved brother to our favorite in-house influencer, Francis. They talk men’s health, inspiration, and favorite facial hair styles.

*Also featuring @rupiehebron.

Tell us about yourself.

FA: My name is Franz Anunciacion. I am a full-time environmental consultant and the Founder/Editor-in-Chief of Two Half-Hitches. We are an outdoor blog dedicated to guiding the public on all things hiking and inspiring all to live a life outdoors. I grew exploring the backcountry for as long as I can remember, starting with the Boy Scouts of America, and it has always been at the forefront in my life. It gives me a sense of purpose, challenge, and tranquility, all of which relate to health and well-being. I plan to live life outdoors for as long as I can, and in order to do so, health is my core foundation. I train regularly like an athlete, eat arguably healthy, and really push my limits when I’m out there. I’m a firm believer that strengthening and conditioning your body empowers you to improve your livelihood, stay focused, and actively pursue your goals.


DW: Hey I’m Drew, just a guy living in the Midwest who happens to love clothes.


What’s been the best and worst part of this No Shave November process?

FA: The best part is being able to freely grow whatever I can despite the lack of genetics for growing facial hair. If it gives me the opportunity to talk about mens health, it’s worth it.
The worst part is not having enough. I personally don’t feel confident with facial hair.

DW: Patchy spots, definitely the worst. However, I have received some compliments so that’s cool.



In regards to men’s health in general, who are your three biggest inspirations (celebs, athletes, musicians, family, friends, etc)?


  1. Kobe Bryant
  2. Alex Honnold
  3. Shaun White


  1. LeBron
  2. Tom Brady
  3. Aaron Rodgers.

All three have taken care of their bodies and are playing at the top of their respective games later in life than most players their age.

What are you four favorite facial hair styles?


  1. Clean shaven
  2. Full beard
  3. Garibaldi
  4. Bandholz

DW: As a kid, I really wanted a chin strap. Now, I wish I could grow a full beard, but I’ve settled for chin scruff

Five tips you would give to other men to stay on top of their health?

FA: Most of these are pretty obvious, but I believe these five tips are often overlooked as simple as they are.

  1. Clean eating. Choose a meal plan you can keep up with, and reward yourself at the right occasions.
  2. Hit the gym. It’s more than just building muscle and endurance, but building a strong mind.
  3. Stay active. Find a sport you enjoy, and invite your friends to the activity.
  4. Rest and recover. Don’t catch up on sleep, but rather, get a good nights rest.
  5. Friends and family. I’ve found that spending time with your loved ones helps reduce stress and improve your mental health.

DW: Get an annual physical, go to the eye doctor and dentist too. If something seems off or you’re not feeling well, get it checked it. It’s always better to find out sooner rather than later. Take care of your body, you only get one. Lastly, everything in moderation.

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