
9 Reasons To Partner with an Influencer Marketing Company

influencer marketing company

Influencer marketing is the newest way to get the word out about your brand, and if you aren’t using it, you are missing out. Essentially, influencer marketing is using the key leaders in your industry—those with social media followings, celebrity or not—to spread hype about your brand. It is extremely effective because instead of hearing about your product or service through traditional (i.e. overused and often ignored) marketing tactics, your target market is hearing about you through someone they already know, like, and trust.

Here are the top 9 reasons why you need to partner with an influencer marketing company to begin your influencer marketing campaign—and you need to do it now:

1. It Is Warmly Received

The general population is very receptive to hearing about your brand from another consumer, but when it’s through traditional marketing strategies, they often get annoyed. What’s more, word-of-mouth advertising has a 37 percent higher retention rate than a customer obtained through traditional methods.

2. It Meets Today’s Expectations

The line between brand and consumer is no longer drawn in sand. Today’s consumers expect the brands they purchase from to interact with them on social media, not just try to sell them a product.

3. It Is Extremely Effective

When someone follows an influencer on social media, they respect and admire them. Therefore, when the influencers post a picture of themselves using your product, their followers instantly want to try it too.

4. Word Is Starting to Spread

Influencer marketing is the latest marketing buzz. In fact, the keyword “influencer marketing” is experiencing growth at a rate of more than 5,000 percent on Google.

5. It Is An Incredible Deal & Prices Are Rising

Right now, influencer marketing is still considered an incredible deal in marketing, meaning you are paying way less for it than it is worth. It won’t be long before the influencers catch on and start charging more for their incredible value. As more people start using an influencer marketing company, the demand will go up, taking the price with it.

6. It Stands Out

The truth is that most people simply ignore paid ads, whether in the form of Internet banners, sponsored posts, or anything else. There is a reason ad-blockers are so popular, but they won’t block your influencer marketing efforts.

7. It Puts Your Brand Where Your Audience Is

With influencer marketing, your “ads” are placed where your audience already is without interrupting their online experience, otherwise known as native advertising. This organic content brings with it 53 percent higher purchase intent versus traditional advertising.

8. It Contributes to Your SEO

Not only can your increased social media posts show up in the search results themselves, they can also earn you more brand mentions and website clicks, upping your relevance in the eyes of Google.

9. You Can Prove It Works

The digital world is extremely traceable and trackable. You will be able to document every social media impression, website click, and brand mention, letting you know, without a doubt, that your influencer marketing is working.

Influencer marketing is amazingly effective and still relatively new on the advertising scene, making it the perfect time to jump on board. It is still (mostly) unrecognizable by consumers and the going rate is an incredible value.

At XOMAD, we use our industry know-how and extensive research to pair you up with the most qualified influencers for your specific brand. Contact our influencer marketing company now to get started with your new favorite marketing strategy.


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